she was an exception |
Known for their sense of color scheme, I have always admired Northern Europeans' combination and balance in their use of color, as well as their great sense of design. When waiting in line to check in our bags, I started to wonder if they have achieved this visually advanced sense as a result of lacking vivid color and distinct contrast in their feature and in the landscape, and wanted to find the missing piece of non-monochrome life. But again, it may just be the result of time they spend indoors during long winters, thinking about beautiful color for sweaters and roof tops.
Speaking of spending time indoors, I read an article somewhere that Iceland is one of the leading countries in average number of books read per person, and has the highest percentage of people who has published books. I don't know who would have an actual answer for something like this, but I will be sure to ask about it while we are in town.
Our plane to Reykjavik; rock n' roll!! |
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